Mike Nolan

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. -Winston Churchill

It is finally Friday! - day 3

08 Jan 2021

It has been a long week! Feels like this week alone has stretched out to a month! To be honest there was not a lot done today as had a list of personal stuff that had to be done as long as my arm but got into the habit now of spending time every weekday morning focused on personal projects. I will aim also to check in at weekends on anything I am reading when away from the PC.

What have I completed today :white_check_mark:

  • Added signature to post, css styled using import from google fonts.
  • Fixed seperator in post view away from using dashes to using a gradient css background.
  • Watched a bit of live coding on twitch this morning. Always find it easier to learn watching someone go through it properly rather than reading steps or following tutorial videos that are so staged.

What is next on the list :pencil2:

  • Freecodecamp update - As mentioned yesterday I really need to catch up with some more of the JS sections on FCC. I have also got some Udemy videos to take a look at and follow along with. Might aim to take a look at some of them over the weekend at some point.
  • GH Pages CSS - Further styling on the posts pages and tidy up of home page - this is now taking progress. On the main page there is something certainly missing and needs some focus. Need to figure out a nicer way of breaking those posts up by month or something like that. Need to take a look at other jekyll sites and see how they doing it and go from there.

What have I been reading? :books:

  • Not a lot of reading done as of yet today as been focused on personal and work projects. Maybe some time for reading this evening when kids are in bed.

If I do not update before - have a good weekend and will return on Monday!
