Working on the last 10% of the Basic Javascript on FCC today. Nested loops / if / for statements have got my head in a bit of a spin! Then I went on to Recursion! I managed to complete the basic section so am happy with that. Really want to get my head around the bits above as dont want it to hold me back in getting through things but I guess that will come more over time as I start to actually write more JS. It is retaining of the information that I will struggle with - whilst I can read it and understand it as I see it - it is remembering how to write it from scratch. Along side this I am also running the grasshopper app by google just as another way of trying to remind myself of the JS info that I am learning.
What have I completed today
- Basic Javascript - FCC
What is next on the list
- Further investigation into using Vue as a platform going forward as well as incorporating Tailwind CSS.
What have I been reading / watching?
- Vue
- FCC JS Concepts