Mike Nolan

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. -Winston Churchill

Tues theory day! - Day 15

26 Jan 2021

Most of my free time today was spent reading. I did not have the brain capacity to run through any more ES6 for the time being but am still completing my faily grasshopper app modules of which are working well as they provide enough differing modes of learning - one writing code like FCC but also answering questions on what you think the result will be based on code they have put on there and choosing the right outcome. I like this as I can run on my phone and not on PC like I have to do with FCC.

What have I completed today :white_check_mark:

What is next on the list :pencil2:

  • Finish FCC ES6

What have I been reading / watching? :books: :tv:

  • Tailwind Components
  • Dev.to - easy to get lost in the amount of articles on this site
  • Speckyboy.com - as above but from a more design aspect.