Mike Nolan

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. -Winston Churchill

ES6 and Jamstack - Day 16

27 Jan 2021

A couple more modules done today on ES6 - still working my way through - am on to Classes now. Whilst I have classed all this as 100 days of code - I think its more leading my way to 100 days of code as whilst yes I am doing bits of coding whilst learning its not officially creating anything as of yet. I have a number of projects I want to get started on however want to ensure I have the knowledge there rather than needing to stop / start as I go. It is enjoyable and learning so much at the moment!

What have I completed today :white_check_mark:

What is next on the list :pencil2:

  • Finish FCC ES6

What have I been reading / watching? :books: :tv:

  • JAMStack - Been reading a lot into this in trying to understand it further and the possibilities of it.